Barong Dance : The traditional and sacred dance from the island of Gods

Barong dance is one of Balinese dances and part of cultural heritage of pre-Hindu besides Sanghyang dance. Barong word comes from word of "bahruang" means bear, a mythological animal which has magical power and it's considered as the protector.

Mentawai, The Hidden Paradise From The West Sumatera

Mentawai archipelago is part of West Sumatra province where since 1999 has been appointed to be a regency. The position of the Mentawai Islands is in the middle of the Indian Ocean and it makes an awesome sea, surrounded by nature and perfect for marine tourism. Mentawai has become one of the most famous tourist destinations for adventure, cultural tourism, and marine tourism and especially surfing which is favored by local and international surfers.

Batik and its History : One of The Great Indonesian Masterpieces

Batik is one of the greatest Indonesian masterpieces. Batik has many admirers and the number is increased from time to time. Many international events today use batik since its uniqueness amazed many people.

Saman Dance : A miracle from the land of rencong (Aceh)

If you witness art and cultural show in international events, maybe you'll witness traditional dance of Aceh called Saman dance. Saman dance is one of interesting performing art from Indonesia, even Saman dance often staged as Indonesian dance ambassador in various international events.

Raja Ampat : Enjoy the real underwater paradise

Raja Ampat or "Empat Raja" is a name given for these islands. A name that comes from local myth. Four main islands are Waigeo island, Salawati island, Batanta island, and Misool island as producer of ancient rock painting. The underwater lovers around the world come to Raja Ampat to enjoy the best underwater scenery in the world.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Tips to Domestic Travel By Plane in Indonesia: Knowing how much you'll get compensation in the case of air accident

The tragedy of Lion Air JT610 crashed in the off-coast of Karawang regency has created deep mournings for the victim families. The accident happened on October 28th, 2018 while the plane took off from the Soekarno-Hatta International Airport for Pangkal Pinang, Bangka Belitung. All passengers and the aircrews (189 people) are dead after the authorized officer found the debris and later some parts of the plane. The air accident of Lion Air JT610 is the reason why I decide to write this article regarding compensation for passengers in the case of an air accident in addition to other air accidents involving passengers and/or their baggage in other airlines. 

Disclaimer: This article is intended to give us not only knowledge of Indonesian aviation regulations but also fair rights & obligations between passengers and airlines in case of accidents on board or during the process between embarkation and disembarkation and lost or damaged handy luggage or checked-baggage. I am not responsible for any wrong use of contents in this article. All responsibilities should be born by readers only. 
Note: I will always update this article continuously due to, perhaps, some amendments in Indonesian aviation regulations in the future. I may miss some days/weeks after the new regulation constituted. You can post it in the comment section and I will update it soon.
For domestic flight, Ministerial Regulation PM No.77 Year 2011 regarding Liabilities of Air Carrier is the core instrument. Under the regulation, below are the domestic air carriers' liability categorized into several sorts of damage :

According to Article 18 Paragraph (1), The liability of air carriers to passengers is limited only since they start to leave the gate to board the plane until they arrive in the arrival gate of the destination airport
1. Death of Passenger
According to Article 3 letter a, passengers who died on board due to an airplane accident or an incident solely related to air transportation are given compensation in the amount of Rp. 1,250,000,000.00 per passenger. In addition to death on board, while the passengers died during the embarkation and disembarkation process, according to Article 3 letter b, the carrier shall compensate in the amount of Rp 500,000,000.

2. Total Permanent Injury (Including Mental Injury)
According to Article 3 letter c, passengers will be compensated by the amount of Rp. 1,250,000,000.00 per passenger if they are declared by the doctor, within 60 days since the accident took place, to have permanent injuries (including mental injuries). Total permanent injuries include, according to Article 3 letter d, as follow :
a. total loss of vision from 2 (two) incurable eyes
b. amputation or severance of 2 (two) hands or 2 (two) legs or one hand and one foot on or above the wrists or ankles.
c. Total vision loss from 1 (one) incurable eye and the amputation or severance of 1 (one) hand or foot on or above the wrist or foot.

3. Partial Permanent Injury
According to Article 1 Number 16, Partial Permanent Injury is the loss one of parts of the body but does not reduce the function thereof for activities such as the loss of one eye, one arm starting from the shoulder, one leg. Passengers can only claim for damages after the doctor declare such injury within 60 days since the accident took place as stated in Article 3 letter c number 2. The compensation varies depending on which part of the body is injured. Below the list of compensation for passengers :
4. Light Injury
According to Article 3 letter e, passengers who get light injuries and must undergo treatment at the hospital, clinic or treatment center as inpatients and/or outpatients, will be compensated for as much as the actual treatment costs up to Rp. 200,000,000 per passenger.

According to Article 18 Paragraph (2) the liability of the carrier for passengers' checked-baggages start from the time the carrier receives checked-baggage at the time of reporting (check-in) until the receipt thereof by the passenger.
5. Lost or Destroyed of Carry-On Luggage (Cabin Luggage)
Under Article 4 Paragraph (1), air carriers are not liable for damages arising from the loss or destroyed carry-on luggage except the passenger can prove that the damage is caused by the aircrews or the person employed thereby. They can be liable only, according to Paragraph (2), if they accept the passenger's explanation or when the judge ruling the case has issued its final decision. The compensation is set as high as the real loss of the passenger.

6. Lost or Destroyed of Checked-Baggage
Article 5 Paragraph (1) letter a states that passengers can claim compensation for the loss of or totally damaged their checked-baggage by the amount of Rp 200,000 per Kg and up to at most Rp 4,000,000 per passenger. The air carrier will compensate for partially damaged checked-baggage according to the type, size, and brand thereof as stated in letter b. When the checked-baggage is not found yet, according to Paragraph (3), the air carrier shall look for it with utmost and must give compensation Rp 200,000 per day up to 3 days. The checked-baggage will be declared as lost after the 14th day since the passenger arrival at the destination airport as stated in Paragraph (2).

When the checked-baggage contains valuable goods, according to Article 6 Paragraph (1) the air carrier is not liable for the loss thereof except the passenger, during the 'check-in' time, has declared and shown that the baggage contains such valuable goods and the carrier agrees to carry it on board. Paragraph (2) states that the carrier, who agrees to carry the valuable goods,  may ask the passenger to insurance it.

Under Article 19, the carrier is not liable for compensation as stated in Article 3 letter b (look at the section of Death Passenger), Article 3 letter b number 2 (look at the section of Partial Permanent Injury), and Article 14 if it proves that the accident is not due to the negligence or other wrongful act or omission of the carrier or its servants or agents; or by the negligence or other wrongful act of the passengers themselves and/or third parties.

Hopefully, this article gives you a better insight in the case of air accident for domestic flights in Indonesia and make no worry for your travel across the archipelago.

Source: PM No. 77 Year 2011

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Remote Working Job : Sebuah pengalaman melamar di Appen

Kali ini gw akan berbagi pengalaman soal "remote working job", khususnya pada perusahaan Appen. Apa tuh remote working job? Simpelnya, remote working job adalah suatu pekerjaan yang bisa kita lakukan di manapun dan kapanpun. 

Mirip seperti Freelance namun yang membedakan adalah ada dedikasi waktu perminggu yang harus kita sediakan untuk menyelesaikan pekerjaan yang ditawarkan (biasanya 20 jam per minggu). Pembayaran atas pekerjaan yang kita lakukan bervariasi tergantung jenis pekerjannya juga (translator, transcriber, social media evaluator, linguist, dan sebagainya). Dari beberapa sumber yang gw baca (misal : glassdoor), per jam bisa dibayar $4 - $7 namun ada juga yang dibayar dibawah/diatas angka tersebut, tergantung beban masing-masing jenis pekerjaan. 

Nah, karena gw udh bahas apa itu "remote working job" secara umum, gw langsung bahas aja ya dari pertama kali gw kenal Appen sampai gw sign kontrak-nya.

Singkat kata, gw pertamakali tahu Appen dan tawaran remote working job nya itu dari LinkedIn (mungkin karena di histori pencarian gw pernah masukin 'translator' dan 'freelance'). Waktu itu (awal-awal bulan Maret), Appen membuka lowongan pekerjaan sebagai 'transcriber'. Deskripsi pekerjaan tersebut pada intinya mensyaratkan bahwa pelamar adalah : 

'native Indonesian, currently live in Jakarta, have a sound internet connection and speaker, experienced in transcribing conversation to Indonesian-style writing, 
and dedicate for the job, at least 20 hours per week'

FYI, gw ga ngelamar pekerjaanya via LinkedIn, tapi langsung menuju website nya Appen : . Disana banyak sekali tawaran berbagai jenis pekerjaan yang tidak saja bagi native Indonesian tapi juga bagi native dari berbagai negara. Di web tersebut kebetulan juga ada tawaran pekerjaan sebagai Transcriber (selain ada juga sebagai Linguist, Social Media Evaluator, Web Search Evaluator, dll). Nah langsung dah gw apply dan ngisi data diri sama upload resume (CV).

Dua hari setelah gw isi data diri dan upload resume, datang e-mail dari Appen yang menyatakan kalau aplikasi gw sedang dipertimbangkan dan diharapkan menunggu e-mail balasan selanjutnya apakah diterima atau tidak. Butuh kurang lebih 3 minggu hingga akhirnya e-mail konfirmasi apakah diterima atau tidak datang ke mail-box gw.

E-mail konfirmasi tersebut tidak dalam bentuk seperti ini :

"Congratulation, your application as Transcriber has been accepted, 
please follow the link below bla bla bla"

tapi seperti ini 

Di e-mail konfirmasi tersebut, gw langsung disuruh buka link yang disediakan lalu mengisi lagi biodata berikut dengan nyantumin akun PayPal gw (Iya kalau ga dicantumin gimana cara ngirim gajinya --a). Lalu disuruh mengikuti tes Indonesian Spelling Test yang disediakan pada tab Qualification dengan hasil 97,5% (Lupa naruh titik dianggap salah lho -_-)

Setelah selesai dan dapet hasil tes-nya, besok pagi gw dapet konfirmasi yang menyatakan kalau registrasi sukses dan gw dapet password untuk bisa log in ke link yg gw sebutkan diatas (link pada gambar diatas). 

Tiga hari kemudian gw dapet e-mail konfirmasi lagi untuk mengisi biodata diri (kali ini dari Appen Global). Nah disana gw dihadapkan dengan kontrak yang pada intinya gw bersedia bekerja untuk Appen sebagai Transcriber dan mendedikasikan diri minimal 20 jam per minggu. Nah di kontrak tersebut juga gw dapet gambaran berapa dolar yang gw dapet per kata (ini ga gw sebutkan karena confidential ya). Kontraknya cuman 13 halaman, jadi gw baca aja hitung2x menghilangkan kebosanan di KRL walau ujungnya2x gw cuman paham yang bagian "Governing law and Jurisdiction" :D

Nah selesai sign kontrak-nya, 1 minggu kemudian dapet lagi e-mail balasan dari Appen yang kurang lebih seperti ini :
Namun sayangnya sampai gw bikin artikel ini pun gw belum dapet email balasan lanjutan. Entah kenapa gw juga ga tau, tapi dari beberapa sumber yang gw baca ada yang bahkan nunggu sampai 4 bulan baru dapet job perdana. Entah mungkin karena hasil test gw dapetnya cuman 97,5% (apa iya harus 100% benar, who knows?). Entah ada yang ga diisi waktu pengisian data diri gw (udah gw isi semua sampai nomer hp gw padahal). Entah itu proyek yang dari Appen-nya sendiri belum ada. Atau entah karena akun PayPal gw yang unverified (kalau mau verified musti punya Kartu Kredit dulu walau sebenarnya yang versi unverified bisa digunakan hanya untuk penerimaan gaji dari pihak Appen-nya). 

Terlepas dari ketidakjelasan tersebut, sebenarnya remote-working job dari Appen atau dari perusahaan lain berguna banget buat ngisi pundi-pundi dompet. Lumayan sih untuk jajan atau untuk ditabung. Tapi harap diingat jangan bergantung sepenuhnya pada job semacam ini yak untuk pekerjaan inti. Hal itu dikarenakan belum tentu pada bulan ketika anda mendaftar, proyek tersebut langsung ada pada bulan itu juga. Intinya ga tentu kapan proyek dari Appen ditawarkan ke anda.

Jika dirasa ada yang kurang dalam tulisan gw atau misalnya ingin berbagi pengalaman yang serupa (entah itu udah dapet job perdana dari Appen, mau berbagi tips, mau ngasi info soal remote-working job selain di Appen, masukan/saran bagi gw bilamana gw kurang ngisi biodata diri atau upload dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan supaya gw dpt job perdana, atau pengalaman2x lainnya), silahkan ditulis aja di kolom komentar. 


Saturday, May 27, 2017

Pengalaman SIMAK UI Pascasarjana 2017

Sudah sekian lama blog gw nganggur gara-gara susah mencari waktu dan tenaga (mager) dan pada kesempatan kali ini gw berupaya sekuat tenaga, memberanikan diri, menulis (red: mengetik) pengalaman gw mengikuti SIMAK UI untuk Pascasarjana gelombang 1 tahun 2017. 

Kisah dimulai pada bulan februari tahun 2017 tatkala gw ketemu temen SMA gw (secara kebetulan), sebut saja "bunga", di Lembaga Bahasa Universitas Udayana. Gw waktu itu lagi ikut tes TOEFL dan harus tembus skor 500 atau lebih sebagai salah satu syarat yang diminta beberapa perusahaan-perusahaan di Indonesia ketika melamar pekerjaan (sejujurnya gw ga tau berapa skor yg dibutuhin, gw cuman nerka - nerka aja hahaha). Tiba di tempat tes sekitar setengah jam sebelum tes dimulai dan sambil nunggu tes dimulai, gw baca-baca artikel - artikel sejarah yg gw biasa baca disini . Itung - itung sambil belajar biar writing dan reading season gw lancar juga dapet ilmu baru + menghilangkan kebosanan. Beberapa saat setelah gw baca artikel ke-2, gw scr ga sengaja liat temen SMA gw, si bunga, ikut tes TOEFL juga dan dia duduk di 2 barisan sebelah kanan depan gw. Gw langsung sapa dan nanya kabar dan kenapa dia ikut tes TOEFL. Si bunga ikut  tes TOEFL lantaran dia kepengin nyari beasiswa AAS (Australian Awards Scholarship) untuk ngelanjutin S2 nya. Selain ngincer AAS untuk lanjut studi S2, dia juga ada plan buat nyari S2 di UI lewat jalur SIMAK. Gw yg sedari awal pengin nyari kerja jadi tertarik juga buat ikut SIMAK UI Pascasarjana Gel 1.

Persiapan I
Pembukaan SIMAK UI Pascarsarjana Gel 1 adalah kisaran bulan februari dan berakhir di akhir maret dan gw daftarnya menjelang akhir bulan maret (karena harus meyakinkan diri untuk lanjut lagi S2 dan berhenti apply2x lowongan kerja). Pendaftaran SIMAK UI Pascasarjana bisa dilakukan lewat laman ini tapi sebelumnya gw harus bikin id/account buat daftar dulu. Sebelum lu daftar SIMAK UI Pascasarjana, ada baiknya lu harus persiapin dokumen-dokumen berikut buat diupload :
a. Scan Ijasah S1 Asli & Scan fotocopy Ijasah S1 yang udah dilegalisir
b. Scan Transkip Nilai S1 Asli dan yang udah dilegalisir
c. Scan KTP

Nah karena semua dokumen sudah lengkap, saatnya mendaftar. Tata cara pendaftarannya adalah sebagai berikut (copas dari nya langsung) :

Cara Pendaftaran

Proses pendaftaran Universitas Indonesia terdiri dari 9 tahap
  1. Membuat account di situs penerimaan UI
    Klik link Buat Account di kanan atas lalu isi formulir yang muncul
  2. Mengunggah foto berwarna ukuran 4x6 cm
    Anda harus mengunggah foto sebelum dapat membuat pendaftaran
  3. Membuat pendaftaran
    Anda dapat login menggunakan username dan password Anda, lalu pilih menu Buat Pendaftaran untuk membuat pendaftaran baru.
  4. Melakukan verifikasi pendaftaran
    Verifikasi dilakukan untuk memastikan Anda telah mengecek bahwa isian formulir pendaftaran dan pilihan program studi Anda telah terisi dengan data yang benar serta telah mengetahui biaya pendidikan untuk program studi yang dipilih
  5. Meng-upload berkas persyaratan pendaftaran
    Khusus untuk pendaftar Program Pascasarjana (S2, S3), Profesi, Spesialis, S1 Ekstensi dan yang memilih S1 Kelas Internasional
  6. Membayar biaya pendaftaran
    Biaya pendaftaran hanya dapat dibayarkan setelah Anda meng-upload foto dan melakukan verifikasi pendaftaran .
    Formulir pendaftaran dan pilihan program studi tidak dapat diubah lagi setelah Anda membayar biaya pendaftaran.
  7. Meng-download kartu ujian masuk
    Kartu ini harus dibawa ketika ujian seleksi masuk
  8. Mengikuti ujian seleksi masuk pada waktu yang telah ditentukan
  9. Setelah mengikuti ujian seleksi masuk, Anda dapat melihat hasil seleksi pada tanggal pengumuman
Khusus di point ke 3, nanti di bagian form pendaftarannya ada kolom untuk pengisian skor tes TPA / TOEFL. Kalau lu udah punya sertifikat tes TPA Bappenas / TOEFL lu bisa pakai skornya itu dengan catatan umur sertifikatnya tidak lebih dari 1 tahun. Gw waktu itu masukin skor tes TOEFL gw waktu tes di Lab Bahasa Universitas Udayana yang kebetulan skornya 520 (lumayan hahaha).
TAPI kalau lu ga punya sertifikat tes TPA Bappenas / TOEFL ga usah berkecil hati karena ini cuman additional requirement yg sifatnya ga wajib saja alias tambahan & tidak mempengaruhi penilaian SIMAK UI kedepannya. 

Di point ke 5, karena gw nyantumin skor TOEFL gw yg nanggung (iya nanggung, kurang 5 poin lagi bisa daftar AAS) otomatis gw harus upload hasil scan sertifikat TOEFL gw. Hal yang sama berlaku apabila ente nyantumin skor TPA Bappenas.

Skip Skip Skip, setelah lu isi kolom pendaftaran, milih jurusan / prodi yang lu mau, udah upload semua berkas yg dibutuhkan, klik simpan dan lanjut ke pembayaran tes SIMAK UI nya. Untuk biaya nya sebesar Rp 750.000 bagi jenjang Magister dan Profesi,  Rp 1.000.000 bagi prodi Psikologi Profesi dan  Ilmu Keperawatan. Pas lu bayar ke bank / lewat atm, jangan lupa ikutin step - step yg diberikan biar lu ga pusing. Step - step pembayarannya bisa dibaca disini :

Persiapan II
Tes SIMAK UI Pascasarjana berupa tes soal-soal TPA dan Bahasa Inggris. Gw waktu itu persiapan tesnya selama 1 bulan dengan belajar 3-4 kali dalam seminggu selama 2 jam (tiap orang bisa beda-beda, gw termasuk yg rada males kalau belajar hahaha). Soal TPA SIMAK UI nya terdiri dari soal : 1) Kemampuan Verbal, 2) Kemampuan Kuantitatif, dan 3) Penalaran. 

Untuk kemampuan verbal, tips gampangnya sih lu mesti rajin-rajin baca ensiklopedia atau baca - baca bacaan berat karena ada beberapa soal yang gw bahkan sama sekali ga tau itu katanya apa kata benda, kata sifat, atau kata kerja. Oh iya, jangan lupa juga buat sering latihan mencari ide pokok paragraf karena seinget gw soalnya itu ada soal cerita di bagian kemampuan verbal.

Untuk kemampuan kuantitatif, di soal-soal TPA Bappenas sih biasanya dikasi tips gimana cara pengerjaan yang mudah. Tipe soalnya sih ga jauh-jauh dari matematika dasar kek aljabar, pecahan, bangun datar dan ruang, dan soal cerita matematika. Untuk kemampuan kuantitatif, gw saranin bagi yg benci matematika tapi ngambil S2 prodi non-eksata mulai detik ini lo harus meditasi dulu untuk menghilangkan sifat kebencian lo terhadap matematika dan setelah selesai lu coba approachment yang mantap kek ngedeketin gebetan buat dijadiin pacar :D :D ). Gw waktu itu minta tolong temen gw buat ngajarin matik lagi scr dia emang jago matematika pas SMA sih.

Untuk kemampuan penalaran, tips dan cara pengerjaanya juga banyak dibahas di soal2x TPA Bappenas. Yang harus lo waspadai sih ada soal penalaran analitis yaitu lu disuruh analisis bacaan dan jawab 3-5 soal berdasarkan bacaan tersebut. Soal penalaran analitis ini yg paling banyak menguras waktu. Gw waktu latihan ni soal cuman bisa ngerjain 1 analisis dengan 3-4 soal dalam waktu +/-  1 jam :D. Intinya lo harus sering-sering latihan ni soal dan yang terpenting latihannya pas lagi good mood aja (itu gw)

H-2 sebelum SIMAK UI
H-2 gw berangkat menuju bumi Depok tercinta dari Bandara Ngurah Rai dan tiba di Bandara Soetta tapi sbelum gw brngkat gw udh dapet kost harian. O iya, gw sbenarnya beruntung ada temen kuliah di UI (waktu itu ketemu di Kampung Inggris, Pare) dan gw jadi tetangga kamar kostnya dia selama 3 hari. H-2 sebelum tes gw ngecek gedung tempat tes dan sekalian survey - survey makanan murah sekitaran UI bareng temen gw (mana tau gw lolos SIMAK UI hahaha). Dihari yang sama gw, selain prepare dokumen-dokumen yg diperlukan pas dateng ke tempat tes seperti KTP dan Kartu Ujian, juga ngulang lagi soal-soal yang gw ga begitu bisa gw kerjain. H-1 sebelum tes gw cuman belajar sampai siang, sisanya gw habiskan dengan jalan-jalan ke Margo City wkkwwkwk (saking stresnya belajar buat SIMAK)

Di hari ini, usahain lo berangkat pagi-pagi (gw kemarin berangkat jam set 7 pake ojek online) dan usahakan lo makan aja seadanya (roti + susu udah oke) sebelum berangkat. Jangan lupa berdoa dan salamin ibu-bapak lo.

O iya, penting bagi lo semua. Tes TPA SIMAK UI diselenggarakan pada sesi pertama selama 2,5 jam. Aturan dasarnya sih ga diperbolehkan bawa apapun kecuali pensil, pulpen, penghapus, penggaris, rautan, ktp dan kartu ujian pada saat mengerjakan tes. Bahkan memakai jam tangan aja ga boleh (penunjuk waktu akan diberikan oleh petugas). Biasanya setiap 1/2 jam sekali petugas pengawasnya bakal ngasi tau udah menit keberapa). Dan yang peling terpenting adalah, karena tes TPA SIMAK UI ini menggunakan sistem benar = +4, salah = -1, kosong = 0.  Jadi gw saranin jawab sebisanya saja. Pengalaman gw kemarin gw cuman jawab 93% di soal kemampuan verbal, 90% di kemampuan analitis dan sedikit di kemampuan kuantitaif (gw ga tau gw jawab seberapa banyak di kemampuan kuantitatif, yg pasti dikit banget dan mungkin ga nyampe 50% nya) 

Untuk tes Bhs. Inggrisnya, gw jawab semuanya karena tes bhs.inggrisnya ga ada sistem penilaian yang seperti tes TPA yg udh gw sebutin diatas. Gw kemarin agak keteteran yang reading season nya jadi gw menggunakan trik ngerjain dulu soal reading yang tipe ke gini "it refers to ....... DAN/ATAU word "apparently" can be replaced by ............ " baru ngerjain yang disuruh nyari ide topik pembahasan. 

The Judgement Day
Pengumuman lolos nggaknya gw kemarin itu tanggal 2 mei jam 10.00 WIB. Sejujurnya gw udah siap ga lolos karena gw ngerjain soal TPA nya aja yg tipe kuantitatif ga nyampe 50% dari semua soal. Gw buka lah itu web dan masuk ke bagian lihat hasil seleksi. DAN TERNYATA ................... pengumuman hasil seleksinya diundur jadi diumumkan jam 16.00 WIB. Masih nunggu 6 jam lagi, gw mencoba menghilangkan ketegangan dengan ngegame yang disusul dengan lanjut tidur sampai jam 17.00 WIB (gw tidur 3 jam gila apa). 
Kembali gw buka tuh web pemompa jantung dan adrenalin, dan hasilnya :

Puji syukur kehadirat Tuhan YME atas segala karunia dan anugrah yang diberikan hingga gw akhirnya lolos juga. Gw pun ga menyangka nyangka bakal bisa lolos tes SIMAK UI Pascasarjana ini yang awalnya udah pasrah karena soal TPA yg tipe kuantitatifnya susah nian. Ga sia-sia gw belajar lagi matematika dasar sampe capek2x minta bantuan temen buat ngajarin matematika dasar lagi. 

Yak begitulah pengalaman gw mengikuti SIMAK UI. Semoga bagi kalian yang ingin lanjut studi S2 di Universitas Indonesia lewat SIMAK UI, setelah baca tulisan gw ini, bisa lolos di prodi pilihannya masing-masing yak. :D

Sunday, February 21, 2016

WinRAR 5.31 : A new way to compress file

WinRAR, one of the best file compression which must be instaled in every PCs of the day. This software doesn't only support for file compression but also able to diminish the file's size and usable in every windows version, from windows 98 to windows 7. 

Some say that WinRAR isn't as fast as his competitor, WinZip in file compressing. However, it's true but WinRAR will give you more service which at the end of the compressing process, you will get smaller archive file significantly. WinRAR allow us to save the archive in .ZIP or .RAR formats with various option to accelerate the compressing process and diminish the archive's size.

Eventhough some new comers will get confuse of numerous options and settings in WinRAR, but the inter-face will help you a lot. There's a system based on wizard which led you to discover the compressing process. 

Key Features:
  • Ability to create selfextracting (sfx)
  • Create RAR and Zip formats easily
  • Support for almost any archive formats
  • Recovery record and recovery volume
  • And so much more.
What’s new in WinRAR 5.31:
  • Interface improvements
  • Bugs fixed in SFX module
  • Windows high DPI improvements
  • And many more.

If you interested in WinRAR, download from the link below :

Thankyou for your visit :D

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Misool Island : A stunning underworld of the eastern Indonesia

Misool island, like a little paradise with the beautiful beach and amazing sea park. Lied several coral islands in the western and eastern parts, Misool is one of the 4 largest island in Raja Empat islands. Misool directly bordered with Seram Sea and the high seas which become a main route of sea mammals such as whale, dolphin, and many more. You can enjoy the beauty of Misool island. These spreaded islands is mostly uninhabited.

The beauty of underwater paradise in Misool has been already identified even before you swim and dive in the crystal clear waters surrounded by the white sand beach which lie along the coast and tropical rainforest as well as the green mangrove. These refreshing sceneries will clearly imprison everyone's heart in this paradise.

As we know, Raja Ampat islands include in the world corals triangle where the underwater park save 75% of colourful fishes and coral reefs in the world. There're several dive spot which offer spectacular sceneries, explore the richest underwater paradise in the world. Several kind of fishes, coral reefs, sharks, turtles, stingray, and other marine biotas which inhabit the underwater paradise of Misool. Therefore, diving, snorkeling, swimming, sunbathing will give you an exclusive impression.

Not only the wealth and its nature beauty, Misool island also has cultural diversity from their native society. Historical trails also can be found here in the cave walls.

What You Can Do There ?

Many activities you can do there. Snorkeling and diving are the main one and can't be canceled / delayed. Its clear crystal water will make you witness the beauty of underwater sceneries even from your own boat. The visibility can up to 25 meters from the surface. There're so many dive spots which save the amazing and beautiful sceneries in Misool. You may need much time to explore every dive spots there because you might be busy to explore only one dive spots include its underwater. The best diving seasons in Misool island can be enjoyed all year. However, you need to remember that the dive activities during rainy seasons might be a bit disturbing your activities. Your visit in a different time may make you get more experiences there.

Boat trips is another joyful stuff that will take you to witness exoticism of the islands which nearly untouchable of damages and pollution. Scuba diving could be your optional water sport when you there. Moreover, swimming, sunbathing, or just sitting around the beach and spend your time could be another joyful activities. Accomodation to support these activitis could be found and rent in resorts around Misool island. 

There're several villages around Misool island which also can be visited. A visit to small villages with the low population will give you experiences and knowledges about local culture and its traditions. Exploring mangrove forest, witnessing birds and  animals in the forest is another optional activity to fulfill your holiday.

How To Get There ?
To get into Misool island, you can schedule your flight to Domine Eduard Osok Airport in Sorong. Then, to explore Misool island, you can choose to follow the tour using Phinisi boat. As archipelagic territory, the main transportation here is boat and of course, it's the main transportation to take you explore and walk around the Misool island and the small islands around. There're tour package where the boat besides as a transport vehicle but also become a rest place to explore another beauty of Misool island in another day.

If you stay in resort such as Papua Diving Resort or Misool Eco Resort, they usually provide shuttle service using private speed boat from Sorong airport.

There're several accommodations and quite complete facilities in Misool island, which is started from inns, homestay in local houses, and stay in super luxury resorts, which is owned by private who own management rights of an uninhabited island and looks private. 

The most prominent place as well as become the icon of Misool island is the presence of Misool Eco Resort. This place is one of some resorts who own business rights to manage the tourism in Raja Ampat. Not only manage ecotourism, but also manage conservation program with high commitment to protect the nature preservation and its utilization as ecotourism region. This resort is limiting the guest only up to 32 guests.

Misool Eco Resort is managed and owned by Andrew Miners together his wife, Marit, and several staff consist of local residents as well as foreigners with high commitment to protect the nature preservation of Misool island, besides build supporting facilities and international class accommodation. 

If you need to contact the resort, here's the address :
Misool Eco Resort
Bukit Baru No. 1, Komplek Pertamina, 98415

Papua Diving Indonesia
Telp: +62 811 480 7610; +62 815 27000610
Guest Relation Airport: +62 815 27000624

Travel Tips
Rumor says holiday to Raja Ampat is one of the most expensive tourism object because of its tariff and the price of goods and services there, is arguably higher than the prices in other region in Indonesia. Therefore, I recommend you to travel in group to save the cost and of course, more enjoyable. Rent the boat and inn needs high costs and it can be decreased by sharing the cost among your friends.

The best diving season is occured nearly all the time. Only in rainy season may make your diving activity disturbed. Misool Eco Resort is closed from tourism activity during the windy seasons from June to September.

The rest, a visit to Misool island in certain months will offer you different experiences. In the middle of November for an example, the visibility distance can be reached more than 25 meters. In February and March also will offer the similar scenery and the clear waters. Of course it's well to witness the beauty underwater

The beauty of Misool, which is aligned with the beauty of paradise is one of the most important biological wealth and also precious. Please participate to keep the preservation and its cleanliness by throw the garbage in an exact place or don't take any environmental destruction.

If you need more information about Misool and anothe tourism object in Papua please kindly open this link
Wonderful Indonesia

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